Whatever sort of bug bite you get, it’s never pleasant. Having the ability to distinguish between various sorts of insect bites, however, might be crucial for those with severe allergies. If you ever find yourself in a dangerous circumstance, print out this list of the top 10 insect bites.
The mosquito
the Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials / iStock
The length of time a mosquito was sucking blood determines the bite’s appearance. A smaller, more spherical form will do, or a larger, more elongated blob. Scratching them will exacerbate their already excruciating itching, so that much is obvious.
2. beetle
the Terminix website
Because fleas often bite in the same spot many times, bites left by these pests are simple to see. The bites are tiny, somewhat firm, red, and quite painful.
Thirdly, lice
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